Mike Tymko, Principal Investigator
My current research goals are to elucidate the mechanism(s) that regulate cerebrovascular function in healthy humans and in brain injury. In my laboratory, we use a variety of physiological stressors (e.g., high altitude/hypoxia, hypercapnia, exercise, pharmacological interventions) and monitor how the brain responds to these stressors to better understand brain health. Outside of work I enjoy hiking, cycling, swimming, golfing and skiing with the family!

Jenna McCrone, MSc Student
Jenna’s current research interests include investigating the contribution of sympathetic nerve activity on cerebral blood flow regulation in humans. Her thesis work will aim to use lower body negative pressure (LBNP) to activate the arterial baroreflex in order to measure the cerebrovascular reactivity to carbon dioxide. Jenna’s past undergraduate research includes exploring the effect of hydration status on the cerebral hemodynamic response to LBNP and exploring hydration status on perception during blood flow restriction exercise. Jenna also has an interest in high-altitude research, which she looks forward to exploring in further detail.

Christabel Osei-Boateng, MSc Student
Christabel’s research focuses on the effects of contact sport on cerebrovascular function, with a specific interest in concussions. Christabel aims to determine how blood Biomarkers of brain injury and non-invasive testing can potentially aid in improving current protocols in place to detect brain injury. Additionally, she has explored the effects of caffeine on cerebral blood flow (CBF) in regular coffee drinkers. In her free time, Christabel enjoys listening to music and binge-watching her favourite TV shows.

Megan Hunt, Undergraduate Student
Hi, I’m Megan Hunt, an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph Humber studying Kinesiology. My research investigates how sex influences hydration status and its impact on cardiovascular health. I’m passionate about advancing sex difference research and look forward to contributing to more effective, sex-specific health strategies. Fun fact about me: I spend my summers planting trees!

Ty MacDonald, Undergraduate Student
Ty is a 4th-year undergraduate research student in the Biomedical Science program at the University of Guelph. His research focuses on the effects of sympathetic nerve activation on regional cerebral blood flow control in humans at high altitude, aiming to deepen our understanding of how the nervous system influences brain function in extreme environments. Outside the lab, Ty plays intramural hockey and football, and he also enjoys spending his free time golfing.

Gianluca Rossi, Undergraduate Student
I’m Gianluca Rossi, and I’m currently in my 4th year of studying kinesiology at the University of Guelph. My passion lies in understanding how the body moves and optimizing physical performance, with a particular focus on the cerebral vascular artery and the sympathetic nervous system, especially concerning concussions and their effects on the heart. As I wrap up my degree, I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned in real-world settings, helping people stay active and healthy. Outside of school, I enjoy playing and watching sports, which allows me stay balanced and energized.

Connor Wideman, Undergraduate Student
Hey, I’m Connor, a fifth-year human kinetics undergraduate beginning my first undergrad research project and potentially looking into completing a masters. So far, I’ve been a part of analyzing ultrasounds of participants under different conditions. I’m also a 3rd year varsity rower for the University of Guelph.